Don't Settle for Less

We are in Week 5 of the Year of Freedom. (Click here if you missed the kickoff) I get excited when reading you all's messages about your journey so far. Please keep sharing them with me (email link)!

A part of getting free means deciding that you won't settle and making a commitment to yourself to see the journey through (Read You Deserve to be Free) and a commitment to God that you'll allow Him to complete the work He has started within you (Philippians 1:6).

Stop Settling
Are you progressively moving toward what God has called you to do? Are you putting serious thought or exploration into that thing that keeps tugging at your heart?

I speak to many women who share grand ideas with me about businesses, personal and familial goals, and how they want to make a difference in the lives of others and then follow up with the word "but." 

They are enslaved by one word, 'but.' That word can indicate a lack of faith, self-doubt, people-pleasing, feeling unworthy, or fear. Instead of committing to overcoming and getting free, many women settle with remaining comfortable and ultimately for a lackluster life out of alignment with God.

Sis, God created you for more. If you have a pull in your spirit to do something, especially something that will help others or put you in a position to be a better woman, don't ignore that. That's God. He wants to do work in and through you! 

You have to know that God created you uniquely to contribute to His work in a way that only you can. But you have to be willing to step outside of your comfort zone, surrender some things and show your faith in God by getting into action. Now is the time.

Making the Commitment

I think it's safe to say most (not all) women desire marriage or at least a relationship with a man committed to her and their journey as a couple, through the ups and downs, the highs and the lows. A man she can trust without any doubts.

Let me ask you a couple of questions. Is God getting the same level of commitment out of you regarding your purpose? Can He trust you with your freedom? 

Being a woman of God or a Christian means that you have a relationship with God. And like any earthly relationship, it requires commitment. Whatever you have been hoping for, according to His will for your life, He wants and can do it. But you have to commit to His way and timing. We pray to get to point 'E' but don't want to commit to the journey to getting there.

Once you start the journey, you can't throw in the towel when things get complicated or when things don't look how you think they should. In Isaiah 55:8, God says, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways." I can tell you now, it won't always be easy, but it will always be worth it.

There's a saying that goes like this, "faith does not always make sense, but it does make miracles." Sis, God, is still in the miracle-making business, and He wants you to be part of it. You have to commit to the process, though, even when it does not make sense. When you follow God and live a life truly surrendered to Him. 2+2 will not always equal 4. But you can trust that will amount to more than you could have ever expected or planned for (Ephesians 3:20).

So instead of settling, spend more time in the word of God so you can understand and walk confidently in your identity as His child. Because you are His child, you have power, purpose, and the right to an abundant life. 

Journal prompt: Write out a commitment statement to God and yourself and place it somewhere you can see it daily.

What’s Next

Join me Monday night, February 7th at 7 PM CST on Instagram live for a special word and prayer.

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