You Deserve More

God is Intentional

God has designed a plan and purpose for your life. Do you understand that? Do you believe that? 

Psalm 139:16 reads, "In your book, you wrote about all the days planned for me before any of them had happened." (ERV)

God did not randomly create you, nor did He create you without intention. God is intentional in everything He does. If you study nature or even look back over your life, you will see evidence of God's intentionality.

Spiritual Warfare

Once you embrace the truth that God intentionally created you and has a purpose for your life, you can begin to understand why Satan will use any device or method he can to keep God's work from manifesting in and through your life.

Ephesians 2:10 reads, "For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."

1 Peter 5:8 reads, "Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 

2 Corinthians 11:3 reads, "But I am afraid that just as the serpent's craftiness deceived Eve, your minds may somehow be led astray..."

What's the purpose of those verses? I want you to know that God created you to achieve great things during your lifetime. But the enemy, the devil, will do whatever he can and capitalize on any opportunity to keep you from achieving what God created you to do. 

It started in the garden with Eve, when Satan fed her seed of doubt about God's word. And many women today are still being led astray and held in bondage by doubt. 

God wants to do amazing things through you, but maybe you are doubtful of:

  • Your ability

  • Your value

  • Your capacity

  • Your calling

Instead of being fruitful and experiencing the fullness of life, you are trapped in the space of discontentment and frustration—an area where you have limited God. 

Because we are in spiritual warfare, we have to think and move strategically. The things God has purposed you for are to advance His kingdom here on earth. Satan's only goal is to thwart or stop those plans.

Claiming the Victory

Before you can start to claim the victory over Him, you first have to understand that you deserve to be free, God created you to be free, and Jesus came to set you free. 

Last week I shared some common things that we need to be freed from and asked you to answer a couple of questions in your journal. (Read last week’s blog)

My prayer is that after reading this, you understand the urgency of breaking the chains on the things hindering God's power and purpose for your life. Whatever your chains are, you deserve to be free. Your destiny depends on it.

You deserve to be free because you were intentionally, fearfully, and wonderfully made. 

Affirm yourself daily and remind yourself of what God has said and declared over your life. Satan is busy, so we must stay on guard and ready to attack every lie with God's truth. (Shop Affirmation Stickers)

Journal prompt: Write down your strengths and skills and begin praying for God to reveal their significance. (Everything God has put in you serves a purpose)

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