What You Focus on Becomes Your Reality

This week I want to share with you a quick reminder to check your mindset. A shift in your mindset can change the entire trajectory of your day, week, or life. It can be the difference between living out your purpose, accomplishing your biggest goals, or living a mediocre unfulfilling life.

What You Focus on Becomes Your Reality

In her book, You Are a Bad***, Jen Sincero writes, “We’re so deeply wrapped up in our stories—-I don’t have the money, I’m not good enough, I can’t quit my job, I’m lazy, I have bad hair—-trudging through life with our heads down, clinging to our false beliefs like lifeboats full of doo-doo, that we prevent ourselves from seeing the literal infinite sea of possibilities and opportunities surrounding us at every single moment.” If you are always focused on not having enough money, do you think you’ll see the areas in your budget where you could save? If you’re continually telling yourself you can’t start a business, you will only see the roadblocks and not the opportunities. What you are focused on is what you will see, and therefore becomes your reality.

Proverbs 23:7 reads, “As a one thinketh in his heart, so is he…” And I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “you are what you eat.” The same concept holds when it comes to your mindset. If you are continually feeding yourself negative thoughts, what do you think will manifest in your life? What you believe in your mind is eventually verbalized, and if every output is negative, your outcome will become negative, period, end of subject.

How to Change Your Mindset

Whatever you believe to be true, whatever you focus your attention and energy on becomes your reality. So, how do you change your focus and mindset? You start speaking to yourself in a different voice. You start focusing on the positive things. And be patient with yourself. Reprogramming our minds after decades of negative thoughts takes time. You’ve already made progress by reading this today; keep moving forward.

It takes time, and it takes practice. I have affirmations written on sticky notes posted in my bathroom. They serve as a daily reminder to think positively and focus on the good in my life. I sometimes say them out loud. There is extraordinary power in putting sound behind your affirmations and hearing them come out of your mouth. If you struggle with your self-image, you might have an affirmation that reads, “I am confident woman/man, and I add value to my relationships.” If you are struggling with your weight, you might have an affirmation that reads, “I have the discipline to reach my health goals and will achieve my weight loss goal.” Whatever your affirmation is, make it personal, positive, and specific.

Your Next Steps

Want more great tips and resources on improving your faith, lifestyle, or fashion? Visit my YouTube channel.

And did you know that I have a 30-Day Devotional? If you are looking to deepen your connection with God, grab your signed copy here >> https://www.styledbycharae.com/shop/through-my-eyes

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Remember, what you are focused on is what you will see, and therefore becomes your reality.

Always in style
